Mini Workshop
Increase your safety knowledge

If you are a graduate and going off to a new school, or traveling about the world or country perhaps, or just thinking about gaining some increased knowledge in your Safety and Peace of Mind..and busy, busy, busy, then this is the program for YOU!
Increase your safety knowledge, using skills to defend yourself and build self-esteem. Discover techniques you can use to ‘surprise’ your attackers & to escape, which is important to your confidence and peace of mind. This program opens up your mind, body, and spirit to a stronger way of presenting yourself so you do not become a target of attacks, bullying, or inappropriate behavior by others. A 2 hour in 2- 1 hour segments or 2 hours at once, is program filled with Self Defense protective strategies and enhanced Safety Awareness. You can also customize your own Self Defense classes for more that two hours! Call Teri to register 805-252-9099 or click below to email Teri.